Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Just About Done Printing The Quilt Ladies Book Collection

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I know the way the riders felt on Sunday,
"I can see the finish line."

I’ve done it, all the work, all the time, I will be holding the
FIRST complete order of
The Quilt Ladies Book Collection.

(Smile, smile, giggle, giggle, I DID it)

the quilt ladies store logo
The Quilt Ladies Store

Rita, Thank you….. I can say no more now, (tears)
I love you !

Anyway, here’s some pictures,
Done Printing The Quilt Ladies Book CollectionDone Printing The Quilt Ladies Book Collection
Done Printing The Quilt Ladies Book Collection

I just heard Husband’s voice in my head,
"You have to sale some books!"(market, market)

I’m going to enjoy this for the day!

Learn the Marketing Express mail program, Do the monthly newsletter, work on the Little Quilt Ladies and stop smiling, (Not today !)

and Little Quilt Ladies Quilt Patterns

Monday, June 29, 2009

OLD Ladies ROCK - A Bike Story and Aging

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OLD Ladies ROCK - A Bike Story and Aging 

Old ladies ROCK, a bike story

Well, I'm going to have to face the fact; I'M OLD. I have gone kicking and screaming (and Laughing) into middle age but yesterday
was the end all of end all.
We volunteered at a Triathlon in Des Moines, IA, it's the swim, bike, run thing and we were bike marshall's and I loved it. Have a chair and cheer the riders on. I loved it, until....
As we (Sister-in-law #2) cheered on, one of the female riders said,
I haven't stopped laughing yet.
I know I (we) maybe not be riding, swimmer or running in spandex,
I know the hair maybe a bit gray, but an OLD lady.

I know at the age of 20, 51 is old, but please, OLD. Neither one of us have a cane, a walker or knit, well, I do quilt? Anyway, I'm claiming my 50's ! I thought the 50's, are the new 30's. Will someone please tell, the 20 year old this !

Anyway here's some pictures of the day,
Old ladies ROCK, a bike storyOld ladies ROCK, a bike story
This Old Lady Rocks, 


Read about All of Beth Ann’s Books
Beth Ann is a Quilter and an Author who
decided to self-publish her books and quilt pattern books

SEE Beth Ann’s BOOKS on Amazon and
PDF download quilt patterns on Etsy



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Thursday, June 4, 2009

Putting The Quilt Ladies Books All Together

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The Quilt Ladies Book Collection

The books are coming together and I’m very pleased with them.
The numbers are better and I’ll be able to sell them at a price I’ll be happy with.
It’s not hard to move things around, just take's a bit of time, quite a bit, but I’m moving another step forward.

The Quilt Ladies Store Logo
I am the Author of The Quilt Ladies Book Collection
and Little Quilt Ladies Quilt Patterns
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