Wednesday, March 26, 2014

OK the MAN is driving ME CRAZY…

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100% my opinion....

OK the MAN is driving ME CRAZY…

It’s been 11 months of his retirement and WE have finally hit a groove. Well, he has. The first few months were nothing but, do, do and more do. After we had settled in for just a month, he started the process of moving my Mom down here too. She and I’d talked about it and it would be 8-10 months before we’d get her down, but it was a project and HE had to have it done. With her here and our little condo set up, we have moved into a state of let’s do ! !

Before May 22013, I was home most days 100% by myself. He left the house around, 7 a.m. and returned anywhere from 6-7p.m. I did what I wanted, when I wanted and didn’t think a thing about it…. But, NOW, Everything is a topic for discussion.  

To the NEWLY retired out there and Husband PLEASE learn:

 If I don’t say anything back, STOP TALKING. 

 I can walk through a store without you. 
There is something about purchasing new underwear or swimsuit my one’s self I enjoy.

 I have driven a car, VERY well for years. Don’t drive me.

Just because it sounds funny in your mind, DON’T say it, if it’s about me.

When I say,  “Really,” I’m wanting to say, “What the - - - -“    
 I don’t care, means, I “REALLY” don’t care.

This sounds bad, but I need to let you all know, it’s hard work being together, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week so, “Marry your best friend”  you hear it all the time. I really like him….After all these years you’d think it would be a given. But.....we have been working hard on day to day together and

HE bought a fishing boat. THANK GOD !

I think......I’m going to make it NOW ! 

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I am the Author of The Quilt Ladies Book Collection
and Little Quilt Ladies Quilt Patterns

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